CERTAMENTE 2023 - the most important event on Neuromarketing in Italy is back in presence
- Escrito por Silvia
CERTAMENTE is back in presence on 17 May at Base Milano, cultural hub.
The event will be an opportunity to understand the effectiveness of applying neuromarketing and behavioural sciences to marketing and communication strategies.
The programme is full of innovative content: there will be several testimonials from international experts who will illustrate strategies successfully applied in large companies.
Our company is a scientific partner of the event and our scientific director, Prof. Fabio Babiloni, will open the event with an introduction on Neuroscience applied to the corporate world.
Following Charles Spence (Professor of Experimental Psychology, Oxford University) will talk about how to innovate multisensory perception of tasting experiences.Simon Lancaster (internationally renowned Speechwriter) during his talk will illustrate how, by combining rhetoric and neuroscience, an effective guide to the language of leadership can be created. Finally, Matteo Motterlini (Full Professor at San Raffaele University) will explain how decision-making is generated in our mind in the field of economic choices.
In the afternoon there will be concrete national and international business cases through three thematic sessions in parallel.
It will discuss how to optimise digital marketing campaigns through Neuroscience. It will be understood how Neuromarketing can be used to innovate products and logos and improve the consumer experience in stores, illustrating strategies successfully applied in large companies.
In addition, during the conference there will be the opportunity to "touch" Neuromarketing at a stand of our company where new neuroscientific technologies can be used.
As always, the day will be an excellent opportunity to collect new thoughts that can be put into in company marketing and communication practices.