February 3-4th - Neuromarketing test Open Client
- Written by Arianna
On february 3.4th BrainSigns will perform a neuromarketing test Open Client for commercial TV.
It will be an easy opportunity for trying on the field the advantages of this new kind of marketing tests, based on neuroscience methods collecting information about phisyological cognitive and emotional reactions, that cause more than 80% of human decisions.
An advertisement: gives happiness, causes interest, it is memorable and easily understandable? The body and the brain give us information about that, and neuromarketing test may efficiently measure these phenomena.
To test a commercial ad in the next Open Client neuromaketing test a company has to:
- Point out to BrainSigns the spot and, eventually, the indications about the copy-strategy within the end of January.
By the neuromarketing test, it will be possible to analyze the istinctive decoding of the ad and to compare the results with the copy-strategy goals. For more information contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For futher information and details, please email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

BrainSigns CEO
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