Neuroscience and the influence of packaging on purchasing behaviour
- Written by Silvia
Prof. Fabio Babiloni, scientific director of BrainSigns, was invited to Amsterdam on September 13th by the leading packaging company, Smurfit Kappa.
Here he made a presentation on Neuroscience and the influence of packaging on purchasing behaviour.
Afterwards, Marketing Tribune, the Dutch marketing magazine, had the opportunity to ask some questions to Prof. Fabio Babiloni.
Is there sufficient market awareness regarding how the product packaging influences the purchasing behaviour?
Packaging has a very strong impact on products. It often happens that while we perform several activities at the same time, for example when we shop at the supermarket, packages play an important role in our purchasing decisions because we tend to choose the most visually attractive product.
Brand or the package, talking about the “power of seduction”?
Famous brands such as Apple, Samsung or Heineken will not see their sales immediately decrease because of poor packaging. At the same time, it is true that good packaging can increase sales, especially when it comes to introducing new products. Famous brands should think carefully about the packaging, even if the brand is already well known.
When we talk about the field of neuroscience, is there a big difference between offline and online sales?
It's a completely different flow of information. When we open a refrigerator at the supermarket to take a cold can of Coca-Cola, totally different impulses are triggered compared to when we order Coca-Cola online. There is therefore a big difference between sensory seduction and visual stimuli.

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